Sheilam Succulents Petite Decor Transfer
Hokus Pokus Petite Décor Transfers
Each Sheet Size: 30cm x 31.5cm
No of Pieces: 3 sheets
How to apply your transfer
1. Hokus Pokus Petite Decor Transfers are highly-detailed and can be used on wood, painted furniture, glass, mirrors and many other smooth surfaces.
2. The desired surface needs to be clean and dry. Freshly painted surfaces need AT LEAST 24 – 48 hours to dry completely. Thereafter your project must be sealed with at least a single layer of a good quality waterbased sealant and allowed 24 hours to dry completely before applying your transfer.
3. The transfers are pressure sensitive. When removing the transfer from the packaging, handle it with care.
4. Each transfer consists of 2 sheets: The waxy backing paper and the printed transfer film.
5. Our transfers comes with a loose wax backing paper, which does not stick to or damage the print.
6. Cut out the elements you want to use before removing the wax backing paper.
7. When applying your transfer, tape down the edges to ensure that the design stays in place.
8. Working from the top to the bottom, rub off the design using the enclosed transfer tool. Gently lift the transfer film to confirm that the entire design has been transferred.
9. Use a clean dry cloth to smooth out the edges making sure that the whole transfer has completely adhered to you project.
3 x Sheets – Size 30cm x 31.5cm
1 x Transfer Tool